Sri Lanka Travel Tours

Visit to Hot Springs in Keerimalai

Visit to Hot Springs in Keerimalai

Sum up

Located in Jaffna, the Keerimalai springs is a renowned mineral water spring that is believed to have healing properties. Unlike other natural springs in the island, this spring forms two swimming pools with separate entrances for women and men. Dating back several centuries, Keerimalai springs is shrouded by local folklore of a Pandyan princess who built the Hindu kovil located nearby when she was cured of her horse shape head after bathing at the spring. These days the claims are more likely to concern the curing of skin infections, although one of the more fanciful folklores has it that by some unexplained miracle a childless woman can become pregnant.

Duration: 3 hours

Best Time: Year-round

Additional Information

There are two separate pools for men and women. The men’s pool is open to the skies with the advantage of wonderful views and the women’s pool is enclosed. Some believe that this freshwater spring is connected through a tunnel to the Nilvarai Bottomless Well located about 10 kilometres away. It is important to stress that the pool is unchlorinated. Many prefer just to visit and take a chance to look at the ruins of a temple nearby.

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